.. _transformations: .. role:: raw-html(raw) :format: html Transformations =============== Audio signal transformations in Sigment are represented by classes that can be used to apply a specific type of transformation to the audio data. Some example transformation classes include :class:`GaussianWhiteNoise` and :class:`TimeStretch`. A full list of available transformations and their details and parameters can be found below. Each of these transformation classes are a subclass of the more generic :class:`Transform` base class, which provides a basic interface that can also be used to `write custom transformations `_. Sigment offers a familiar interface for transformations, taking inspiration from popular augmentation libraries such as `imgaug `_, `nlpaug `_, `albumentations `_ and `audiomentations `_. :raw-html:`
` .. contents:: Section contents :local: Available transformations ------------------------- Identity ^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: sigment.transforms.Identity :members: Additive Gaussian White Noise ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: sigment.transforms.GaussianWhiteNoise :members: Time Stretch ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: sigment.transforms.TimeStretch :members: Pitch Shift ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: sigment.transforms.PitchShift :members: Edge Crop ^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: sigment.transforms.EdgeCrop :members: Random Crop ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: sigment.transforms.RandomCrop :members: Linear Fade In/Out ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: sigment.transforms.LinearFade :members: Normalize ^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: sigment.transforms.Normalize :members: Pre-Emphasize ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: sigment.transforms.PreEmphasize :members: Extract Loudest Section ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: sigment.transforms.ExtractLoudestSection :members: Median Filter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: sigment.transforms.MedianFilter :members: Reverberate ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: sigment.transforms.Reverb :members: Clipping Distortion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: sigment.transforms.ClipDistort :members: Using transformations --------------------- Each transformation class comes with a number of methods that can be used to apply the transformation to either a ``numpy.ndarray`` or WAV file. All transformations accept the `p` and `random_state` parameters, inherited from the :class:`Transform` base class described below. .. autoclass:: sigment.transforms.Transform :members: :special-members: __call__ :inherited-members: